Download guidelines
Certification bodies
Assessed companies
1. A company that wants to be Gulf SQAS assessed:
1.1. Question: How can a company be Gulf SQAS assessed?
Any logistic service provider (on its own initiative or on the request of a chemical company) may decide to have a Gulf SQAS assessment performed.
The company to be assessed selects a certification body from the list of Certification Bodies. The certification body will assign an accredited Gulf SQAS Assessor. The assessors’ location of work is defined on the Gulf SQAS website.
The company to be assessed downloads a blank
Pre-Assessment Document
(PAD) from the Gulf SQAS website.
The company to be assessed fills in the PAD with all the applicable information necessary for the assessor to identify the scope of the assessment.
The filled in PAD has to be sent to the assessor by the company to be assessed
The accredited assessor enters a planned assessment pre-notification in the system at latest three weeks before the start of the assessment. This prenotification contains the contact name and e-mail of the assessed company. GPCA may verify the pre-notification is in conformity with the Gulf SQAS process.
The agreement is sent to the company contact for electronic approval and signature by the authorized manager from the company to be assessed (or his representative), who acknowledges and electronically signs the agreement to authorise the inclusion of the assessment report in the electronic Gulf SQAS database.
The assessor carries out the assessment
If you want to know more details of the assessment process go to the section 4.1 of the “GPCA SQAS General Guidelines”:
1.2. Question: How can I contact a certification body?
You will find the contact details of the certification bodies on:
1.3. Question: How can I download the PAD (Pre-Assessment Document)?
Go to download, Download PAD on
1.4. Question: How can I authorize the planned assessment?
You are requested to authorize the electronic agreement. Please click on the hyperlink in the auto responder e-mail to authorize the assessment. In case the hyperlink doesn't work please follow this alternative procedure:
Open the Gulf SQAS web site:
Click on ‘Planning’ in the top menu bar
Click on 'Sign agreement' in the left hand menu.
The system will now ask you to fill in your Pre-notification code
Click on the Enter button to authorize the assessment.
Please be aware that the assessment cannot take place without your authorization.
1.5. Question: I am a Logistic Service Provider. How can I become a member of the Logistics Service Providers User Group?
Firstly, your Company has to be Gulf SQAS assessed.
Then send a request to GPCA, at
2. A company that was Gulf SQAS assessed:
2.1. Question: How can I view my assessment report?
The procedure to access your report information is as follows:
Open the Gulf SQAS website:
Enter you report number and security code.
Click on the Login button.
Go to the Report menu item in the top menu bar.
A new screen will now appear with different options given in the menu on the left hand side.
2.2. Question: How do I get my Gulf SQAS attestation?
Open the Gulf SQAS website:
Enter you report number and security code.
Click on the Login button.
Go to the Report menu item in the top menu bar
Click on 'Download Attestation' (on the left side of the screen) and follow the steps indicated.
2.3. Question: Is my assessment report always available?
Please note that a Gulf SQAS assessment report remains valid for 3 years. After that, the assessment report is archived and is not available anymore for the assessed company.
2.4. Question: How can I manage the report access requests?
You can manage the access requests via the
To grant or deny access to your report for this user follow this procedure:
Open the Gulf SQAS website.
Log in with your report number and security code.
Go to the Report menu in the top menu.
Select the option 'Manage Access Requests' to view a list of user who have requested access to your report.
2.5. Question: How can I update my general company information (including my company name)?
You can update the general company information by yourself. Login to the Gulf SQAS website, click on Report and click on the option ‘Company Info' (on the left side of the screen). This option allows you to update certain elements of your company information (such as your company name, phone, fax, website, contact persons etc.).
2.6. Question: How can I find my report number / security code information?
To find your report number, go to “assessed companies” in
Write the name of your company in the “search” field and press “search”. The outcome will show a view of the different reports that contain the name selected.
If you have forgotten your password, please use the ‘password forgotten’ option on the Gulf SQAS website (please see the top left corner) and follow the steps.
3. A company that was Gulf SQAS assessed that is a member of the LSP User Group:
3.1. Question: How can I access the Gulf SQAS system?
The procedure to access the Gulf SQAS system is as follows:
Open the Gulf SQAS website:
On the left side you can enter your username and password
Click on the Login button
You are now logged in and new options will be available in the top menu.
A new screen will now appear with different options given in the menu on the left hand side.
3.2. Question: How can I access the report of another Gulf SQAS assessed company?
The users of the "LSP User Group" can electronically request access to the reports of other Gulf SQAS assessed companies. In the list of reports, click on the report that you are trying to access. If you do not have access, click “yes” on the dialog box that appears.
3.3. Question: What happens if I forgot my password?
Please use the ‘password forgotten’ option
4. A chemical company:
4.1. Question: I would like to be a Gulf SQAS member company
Your company can join the Gulf SQAS member companies. For more information about this membership please contact GPCA, at
5. A candidate Gulf SQAS assessor
5.1. Question: How can I become a Gulf SQAS assessor?
Firstly, you have to verify if you comply with the pre-requisites. See section 2.2 of the “Gulf SQAS Assessor Accreditation Manual”.
If you comply with them, send an email to GPCA
6. A Gulf SQAS Assessor:
6.1. Question: What to do if the company to be assessed did not receive the pre-notification of the planned assessment?
With your "Planned Assessments" menu option you can re-send the pre-notification e-mail to your client. Please login to the Gulf SQAS website and click on “Planning”, ”Planned assessments". On the Assessment record, please click on "Pre-notified", you now can double check/correct the contact details and/or click on ‘Send authorization request to the contact person’. Click on Submit to save your changes.
6.2. Question: Why I cannot send / submit my assessment report?
To submit your report, please make sure that you are connected to the internet. If the “Send” button is still disabled/de-activated this indicates that the report is not fully completed yet, perhaps you missed a mandatory question or you forgot to press the “Done” button on the bottom of a section page. If a certain section is completed then this is made visible in the tree structure by means of a bold/dark font. Please check if some sections are not yet in bold font face
6.3. Question: How can I cancel / archive my planned assessment?
With your "Planned assessments" menu option you can archive the pre-notification. Please login to the Gulf SQAS website and click on the "Planned assessments" menu option. On the assessment record, please click on the "Pre-notified / Authorized" column, you now can click on ‘Archive record’.
6.4. Question: Can I modify an assessment report that was already submitted?
You are not allowed to change assessment reports. Please contact GPCA,
for further instructions.
6.5. Question: How can I install the Gulf SQAS Assessor Application?
Please login to the
website and click on “Download” and “Download Assessor Application” and follow the installation instructions on screen.
7. Gulf SQAS Committees:
7.1. Question: What is the role of the Gulf SQAS Committees?
There are two Committees associated with the Gulf SQAS Program; GPCA Supply Chain Committee and the Technical and Accreditation Committee. A summary of their accountabilities with respect to Gulf SQAS are as follows:
Supply Chain
Propose and implement policy and strategy
Ensure system integrity and principles
Consider and approve changes to the Guidelines and Accreditation Manual
Consider and approve proposals from the T & A Committee
Propose the cost structure and funding (GPCA Board decision)
Technical and Accreditation Committee
Develop revisions of Gulf SQAS questionnaires and guidelines
Manage Database and Developer Interface
Manage training, accreditation and monitor Gulf SQAS assessors
Manage system processes, documentation and system promotion
News and events
Contact us
CEO Declaration of Support
GULF SQAS Sub Committee
GULF SQAS Manufacturers Group
Assessed companies
Certification bodies
Responsible Care for LSPs
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